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"I want to be buried with the minimum of fuss." Know More

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"I want my ashes to be carried high up into the air in an aeroplane
and scattered from that height over the fields where the peasants of India
toil, so that they might mingle with the dust and soil of
India and become an indistinguishable part of India".

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I emphatically direct that I be buried in an inexpensive, unostentatious, and
strictly private manner; that no public announcement be made of the
time or place of my burial; that at the utmost not more than three
plain mourning coaches be employed"

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"A solar-powered video screen as my tombstone and a moving 3D
hologram to go with it."

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Last Right is Eternal Peace.

 “Death has been called ‘Mighty and dreadful’, it has no real claim about its frightening reputation. After all, Death cannot really kill anyone – as the state of being dead is a state of sleep and rest.

When good men die, they obtain bodily rest and enjoy the delivery of their souls from sin. Death is not the final determinant of one’s fate, it is merely a phase of our journey. Fate, chance, kings, and desperate men may decide whose funeral it is, but in deciding so, these factors also decide who lives.

One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die.

Last Rites (India) Services Private Limited is formed to provide funeral and other related services in an organized and transparent way relieving the grieving family members from last minute hassles”

Funeral Services


We are paralyzed when information is received about the death of a loved one. Call us to help you.


Also known as Pre Plan. We do not plan to fail; we only fail to plan. Ensuring financial independence in one’s last journey on the…


Repatriation in this context means-bringing the mortal remains of the loved one back from a foreign country to the home country.


Insurance and Banking services; Inheriting Digital Estate etc. – our services will help if the loved one passes away intestate.


A Memorial Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body not present.


Last Rites has a team of qualified, knowledgeable and experienced Pandits to perform Pujas as per religion….

Voluntary Services

Insurance and Banking services; Inheriting Digital Estate etc. – our services will help if the loved one passes away intestate.

Freezer Box

A Memorial Service is a service held to memorialize a deceased person with their body not present.

Hearse Van

Last Rites has a team of qualified, knowledgeable and experienced Pandits to perform Pujas as per religion….


Voluntary Services


Last Rite volunteers provides practical, psychosocial and spiritual support to the family under supervision.


If you need of help with funeral costs or like to donate funds to help other family, please contact us.


An inter faith dictionary specific to Last Rites, death and after life.
