Film & Visuals

We make films that are beyond art of earth harmony living.  For any exclusive audio/video/still production reach out to us at

If you want to create short film series such as Chai pe Charcha and Life on Earth (see below), reach out to us through the form >

“Chai Pe Charcha” community engaged film is based on the experiential sustainable living campaign where management students from business and technical schools are engaged with the rural dwellers. The basic concept revolves around “earth harmony living” while converting chai (tea) stalls in to Art therapy centers (galleries/ museums) in different villages of India to promote (the power of art forms, as an integrated educational learning platforms.

Words have power to break us, we all need to stand up against #bullying ; Updating our street style: An art on every day wear speaks more than a thousand words. You can learn faster and achieve faster. Role of art in your life, Can an art form change how we think and how we live? Changing the world for the urban & rural dwellers. Be the luxury traveler with promising #wearart fashion! We are a community that shares a common motive to be better every day with art of life! we are the change! we share a common purpose and that is to be the best version of ourselves, we swap sustainable luxury durable street wear we workout, live together for more than one reason and we are the change. #readyfortomorrow “Life on earth : Excess of 1 parts of Carbon & 2 parts of Oxygen and its role in vogue” #yearround collection !

“Chai Pe Charcha” community engaged film is based on the experiential sustainable living campaign where management students from business and technical schools are engaged with the rural dwellers. The basic concept revolves around “earth harmony living” while converting chai (tea) stalls in to Art therapy centers (galleries/ museums) in different villages of India to promote (the power of art forms, as an integrated educational learning platforms.

Words have power to break us, we all need to stand up against #bullying ; Updating our street style: An art on every day wear speaks more than a thousand words. You can learn faster and achieve faster. Role of art in your life, Can an art form change how we think and how we live? Changing the world for the urban & rural dwellers. Be the luxury traveler with promising #wearart fashion! We are a community that shares a common motive to be better every day with art of life! we are the change! we share a common purpose and that is to be the best version of ourselves, we swap sustainable luxury durable street wear we workout, live together for more than one reason and we are the change. #readyfortomorrow “Life on earth : Excess of 1 parts of Carbon & 2 parts of Oxygen and its role in vogue” #yearround collection !

Stay tuned to know more about how we are designing clothing, lifestyle products and consumer models to be more sustainable globally . We are transforming a classic status symbol into a powerful social statement pieces through our literacy, climate change, socio economy, no poverty, food security, series handwoven tie dye ikat silk and cotton , handembroidery, hand painting clothings.

Our equitable policy thinking towards building a strong and prosperous society in a fair and equitable world by addressing social inequality, gender identity, community-building globally will empower millions. You can feel positive about our carbon-negative clothing lines. “It is a step towards keeping alive the dying art of tie dye ikat hand weaving and hand embroidery , adding sustainable development initiative in the project has “renewed the passion for weaving and given self-confidence and recognition to the weavers”, which helps communities in rural India to preserve traditional skills.

National Emergency : if the world is ending! Beyond the limited resources “we know that hundreds of billions of dollars worth of loss and damage is happening because of “climate strike”. The question of where the money will come from to cover the growing costs of economic and other losses linked to global warming. Join us on this Awareness documentary. Be part of this Global network of innovative researchers, scientists, engineers, designers, architects working towards making our planet sustainable.

Sustainable fashion walk: Humanitarian portrait: portraits of humanity with PM 2.5 masks   on! Air pollution fashionable awareness campaign. Combined effects of outdoor (ambient) and indoor house hold air pollution cause about 7 millions premature deaths every year. Around 11000 coronary heart disease & stroke deaths in the UK each year are attributable to air pollution particularly PM2.5, for which the UK has failed to meet European Union limits. Around 12.4 lakh deaths in India in 2017 attributable to air pollution. Even one in eight deaths in India last year was attributable to air pollution.

Water pollution fashionable awareness campaign. Fast fashion makes shopping for clothes more affordable but it comes at an environmental cost, produces 10% of all humanity’s carbon emissions, is the second largest consumer of the worlds water supply & polluted the oceans with micro plastics. A lot of this clothing ends up in the dump. The equivalent of one garbage truck full of clothes is burned or dumped in a landfill every second. Water pollution, toxic chemical use & textile waste, fast fashion comes at a huge cost to the environment. 85% of all textiles go to the dump each year & washing some types of clothes sends thousands of bits of plastic in to the ocean.

“Life on earth: finding eco warriors globally” community engaged film is based on the experiential sustainable living campaign where management students from business and technical schools are engaged with the urban dwellers.

The way we are consuming natural resources from our mother earth has never in past concerned every citizen across the world – it’s not just the oceans and air that is polluted, the food we consume, the clothes we wear, lifestyle products and technologies we use to make our life’s simpler – everything we consume – has a huge negative footprint on the health of our Earth.

Amongst all this pollution in production and consumption of goods, there are Eco Warriors around us who are fighting the fight for us in real sense and we are so busy in our own consumption that we forget to acknowledge these hands. These hands are of scrap man, gardener, security guards, cleaners, drivers and maids – they play a huge role in our daily life to clean our unsustainable ways of living – it’s time we acknowledge the true Eco Warriors.

“Life on earth: finding eco warriors globally” community engaged film is based on the experiential sustainable living campaign where management students from business and technical schools are engaged with the urban dwellers.

The way we are consuming natural resources from our mother earth has never in past concerned every citizen across the world – it’s not just the oceans and air that is polluted, the food we consume, the clothes we wear, lifestyle products and technologies we use to make our life’s simpler – everything we consume – has a huge negative footprint on the health of our Earth.

Amongst all this pollution in production and consumption of goods, there are Eco Warriors around us who are fighting the fight for us in real sense and we are so busy in our own consumption that we forget to acknowledge these hands. These hands are of scrap man, gardener, security guards, cleaners, drivers and maids – they play a huge role in our daily life to clean our unsustainable ways of living – it’s time we acknowledge the true Eco Warriors.

While this community of helpers play such vital role, our youth is not leaving any stone unturned to mark their approach to sustainable lifestyle with innovations in products, technology, processes and business. It’s their imagination which is changing how on tip of finger we order food and cabs..its their imagination which the world has seen usage of drones to provide healthcare services to remotest areas or even do field surveys of agricultural lands. It’s their imagination which is leading to a change in luxury lifestyle space to make up-cycled furniture a trend…its their imagination which is installing solar technology on roofs and selling excess energy to governments. Its their imagination where we are going back to organic food and cosmetics. The least we can do is hear these stories on how these young people are creating these waves of change and how we can support them.

These attempts might be small but have the potential to change the way we produce and consume if understood in right context. We truly believe in “It is so much more than disable earth” and there is role for everyone of us to contribute to make a sustainable world! To share these exemplary examples of Eco Warriors who are changing the way we produce and consume, we the team of Pencil for Change and InVogue Vari, are coming together to introduce these Eco-Warriors in the event ‘Life on Earth: Finding Eco Warriors Globally’.
This event promises about bringing a community together so we can find allies and friends in the wild of sustainable living for us and our kids (the future global citizens) to live sustainably on this Earth. The motive behind conducting a global movement like this one is to learn from each other how our consumption and production is impacting the Earth and how small changes in our thought and action can make a positive difference.

The event Life on Earth movement combines space, fashion, food, craft, arts, science, technology, AI and our search for Finding Eco Warriors – who are in true sense socially responsible humans.
We invite you to join us in this global movement “Life on earth : Excess of 1 parts of Carbon & 2 parts of Oxygen and its role in vogue” year round sustainable lifestyle and support and encourage our efforts in Finding Eco Warriors Globally!





