Life On Earth: Finding Eco-Warriors globally


Life On Earth: Finding Eco-Warriors globally.
Sophisticated, timeless & honed with our signature sustainable ethos, Pencil For Change believes in discovering sustainable comfort & luxury through tidy space (liveable indoor & outdoor) with clean breathable air, low carbon clothing, art, food, technology & artificial intelligence. We’re all about ensuring that we have a future to enjoy!

Our motto is: Less is more having 7.2 billion happy faces.

Our events are about community & deep connection. It’s about overcoming isolation & loneliness & bringing eco warriors together, so we can find new allies & friends in this quest of sustainable living for us & for our kids. After all, we’ve only got this one planet! We want to highlight the unintended consequences of “Life on earth : The erosion of humanity” and show how communities can make the difference. We all need to get involved.

The message is to spread awareness across the globe for aspiring the current and upcoming generations for the importance of our natural resources which are depleting at a fast pace and how they can be benefit from this event by learning what changes they can do in their day to day life and how can they contribute to sustainable living.

What does the future for us look like: Month of January – Delhi Chapter, Month of February – Mumbai Chapter, Month of March – Dubai Chapter, Month of April – London Chapter, Month of May – Melbourne Chapter, Month of June – New York Chapter

What we’re hoping to achieve – Global Community engagement: It’s now or never, if we want our kids to live we need to act. Our resources are finite and this is a losing game.

For PFC, we have always looked to the nature & immediate community behaviour for inspiration as we believe that is where trends and innovations start.

Stay tuned to know more about how we are designing spaces, clothing, lifestyle products and consumer models to be more sustainable globally. We are transforming a classic status symbol into a powerful social statement pieces through our literacy, climate change, socio economy, no poverty, food security, series handwoven tie dye ikat & handembroidery, hand painted lifestyle products to consume & produce.

Our equitable policy thinking towards building a strong and prosperous society in a fair and equitable world by addressing social inequality, gender identity, community-building globally will empower millions. You can feel positive about our carbon-negative products. “It is a step towards keeping alive the dying art of tie dye ikat hand weaving and hand embroidery , adding sustainable development initiative in the project has “renewed the passion for weaving and given self-confidence and recognition to the weavers”, which helps communities in rural India to preserve their traditional skills.

To know more about how we’re addressing climate change, fashion waste recycling, social inequality, gender identity, community-building, please visit @omreu @invoguevari @pencilforchange

Significance & Impact

Why we hope you will be part of this and how you can contribute: Mother nature and her natural resources belong to everyone, not just a privileged group of people. More importantly it belongs to every species, not just us humans. We’ve already taken too much – our oceans are in peril, the very air we breath is becoming poisonous. We are handicapping our future generations. For us to effect any change, we need people to participate. You can do your part individually. And if everyone does their part individually, we can collective save our future.

Our Eco Warriors are just everyday common folk like you and me who have decided to take a stand and be socially responsible people. Life on earth movement combines space, fashion, food, crafts, arts, science, technology and AI to help effect this change. We want a year round sustainable lifestyle.

Eco- Warriors Community

Supporters, Sponserd, Partners, Speakers


Sustainable living Eco-Warrior

Pattnaik Ompriya Mohanty
Social Activist, Architect, Sustainability Expert, Founder, Chrysalis Foundation – for self expression, Invoguevari London, Pencilforchange

Social Entrepreneurship Eco-Warrior

Mr Padmanaban Gopalan
Social Entrepreneur, an ambassador of the Swaccha Bharat Abhiyaan and works in the area of Waste Management, Hunger, and urban sanitation and development. Commonwealth Youth Award 2019, London, National Youth Award, No Food waste, EduDharma, Toilet First, No Dumping, Speaker at United Nations.

Air Pollution Eco-Warrior

Mr. Martand Shardul
Computer Engineer by training and he is a graduate of the Global Masters in Development Practice (MDP) program. “TERI Roll of Honor 2016” from Hon’ble Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Government of India, N-Youth in South-Asia. UN Environment, Young Change Makers

Parametric Architecture  Eco-Warrior

Mr Monish Kumar Siripurapu 
Founder, Principal Architect, Ant Studio, New Delhi, Robotic Fabrication, (IAAC), Spain, one of the 12 winners of the Asia Pacific Low Carbon Footprint Challenge by
UN Environment Programme

Woman Entrepreneur Eco-Warrior

Ms Palak Aggarwal
channelizes her efforts in changing narrative of energy access from lighting to livelihoods through her organisation BattiGhar. She has been published in Youth Solutions Report by the United Nations and many international and national magazines for her contribution in field of creating last mile entrepreneurs.

Tidying Up Eco-Warrior

Ms Ompriya Mohanty 
Co – Founder, Invoguevari London, England . Trustee , Chrysalis Foundation

Health Care  Eco-Warrior

Dr. Vaibhav Gupta MD PhD(c)
Surgeon-Scientist in Toronto. An Indian-Canadian doctor and researcher focusing on improving surgical cancer care, Toronto, Medicine in Nottingham, England

Nature Eco-Warrior

Mr Subhendu Mohanty
Big Data Consultant, Origami artist, Organic Food, Agriculturist, Horticulturist, Buckinghamshire, England

Artificial intelligence  Eco-Warrior

Mr Ferin Philipose
Role of Artificial intelligence in Art form, AI in Life on earth, Machine Learning Engineer at Siemens R&D, Nurnberg, Bavaria, Germany

Technology Eco-Warrior

Mr Elton Pereira
 New York, Principal Architect, BestX Ltd. London, real-time state of the art software, interactive analytics. User Interface.

Media Eco-Warrior

Mr Aurobindo Das
Associate Editor, Moneycontrol, CNN News 18. Economy & financial markets.

Clothing Eco-Warrior

Mr Nitin Batra
Managing Director, Fabstract Clothing India Pvt. Ltd. Organic clothing producer group
Mr Jatin Chawla
Factory Head, Fabstract Clothing India Pvt. Ltd. Organic clothing producer group, Nirvana Clothing

Sports Eco-Warrior 

Mihir Batra
fitness, sports, Brighton, England

Kids Eco-Warriors

Saesha Mohanty
Standard – 4, Dair House School, Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire, England
Ayushmann Bakshi
Standard – 4, Sun-city school,  Gurugram, India
Karan Makkar
Standard – 6, Manthan school, Greater Noida , Resident Mahagun Moderne, India

Art Eco-Warrior

Founder, Kala Chaupal, It facilitates collaborations between the traditional and contemporary arts.

Community Eco-Warriors

Vishesh Goel
Resident Mahagun Moderne
Senior Manager, Huawei Technologies India
Tanvi Kamboj
Resident Mahagun Moderne
ITIL Professional, HCL technology
Saurabh Kamboj
 Resident Mahagun Moderne
Credit Manager, Barclays

Performance / Stage Eco-Warrior

Jude Felix
Choreography, Stage, Fashion

Chapter Eco-Warriors

Meenakshi Bakshi
Invoguevari , Pencilforchange Gurugram chapter

Research Eco-Warrior

Subhadarshini Khatua
Architect, Scientist, Writer, IIM alumni, IIM researcher working on social issue of Objectification, leading to unsustainable consumption and it’s effects on society and environment.

Employment Eco-Warrior

Pranjal Kaushik
Director, Invogue Vari footwear,  Founder Bollycric, Director Maps Overseas

Illustration Eco-Warrior

Abhilasha Khatri
Architect, Illustration artist, Children’s Book Illustrator


Transport Eco-Warrior 

Bishwajeet Samal
Head of marketing, Volkswagen India

Social Activist Eco-Warrior 

Meera Parida
Ending GBV, Best Transgender Leader by NACO, Anchor at Kalinga TV, Vice President of Women’s wings at Biju Janata Dal, Founder Sakha

Global Model Hunt Eco-Warrior 

Sebastian Guillermo Lillo Lugo
Fitness, Modelling, Hospitality, The Megaro, London

Communication Eco-Warriors

21n78e Creative Labs 
Sudhir Nair
Nikhil Shahane
Bena waghela

Event Eco- Warrior

Swagata Sharma Barua
Architect, Connecticut, USA

Life on Earth: Finding Eco-Warriors Globally

The way we are consuming natural resources from our mother earth has never in past concerned every citizen across the world – it’s not just the oceans and air that is polluted, the food we consume, the clothes we wear, lifestyle products and technologies we use to make our life’s simpler – everything we consume – has a huge negative footprint on the health of our Earth.

Amongst all this pollution in production and consumption of goods, there are Eco Warriors around us who are fighting the fight for us in real sense and we are so busy in our own consumption that we forget to acknowledge these hands. These hands are of scrap man, gardener, security guards, cleaners, drivers and maids – they play a huge role in our daily life to clean our unsustainable ways of living – it’s time we acknowledge the true Eco Warriors.

While this community of helpers play such vital role, our youth is not leaving any stone unturned to mark their approach to sustainable lifestyle with innovations in products, technology, processes and business. It’s their imagination which is changing how on tip of finger we order food and cabs..its their imagination which the world has seen usage of drones to provide healthcare services to remotest areas or even do field surveys of agricultural lands. It’s their imagination which is leading to a change in luxury lifestyle space to make up-cycled furniture a trend…its their imagination which is installing solar technology on roofs and selling excess energy to governments. Its their imagination where we are going back to organic food and cosmetics. The least we can do is hear these stories on how these young people are creating these waves of change and how we can support them.

These attempts might be small but have the potential to change the way we produce and consume if understood in right context. We truly believe in “It is so much more than disable earth” and there is role for everyone of us to contribute to make a sustainable world! To share these exemplary examples of Eco Warriors who are changing the way we produce and consume, we the team of Pencil for Change and InVogue Vari, are coming together to introduce these Eco-Warriors in the event ‘Life on Earth: Finding Eco Warriors Globally’.

This event promises about bringing a community together so we can find allies and friends in the wild of sustainable living for us and our kids (the future global citizens) to live sustainably on this Earth. The motive behind conducting a global movement like this one is to learn from each other how our consumption and production is impacting the Earth and how small changes in our thought and action can make a positive difference.

The event Life on Earth movement combines space, fashion, food, craft, arts, science, technology, AI and our search for Finding Eco Warriors – who are in true sense socially responsible humans.

We invite you to join us in this global movement “Life on earth : Excess of 1 parts of Carbon & 2 parts of Oxygen and its role in vogue” year round sustainable lifestyle and support and encourage our efforts in Finding Eco Warriors Globally!

Life on Earth: Finding Eco Warriors brings to you an eventful evening.

Conscious community activities:

The agenda is divided in varied action ranging from community activities to conscious sustainable fashion walk to art installation and much more. Described below each category in detail:

1. Activities planned to engage with community

The activity is planned to engage the children of the society, outside their digital screens. The idea is to take them back in touch with the essence of slate and chalk where they will be engaged in writing their mother tongue and these will become art installations which will stay in the society. We expect the society to engage in this activity weekly where children can anytime at their own will engage with their own art installation and write messages for a harmonious society – this also helps children to think and write and engage with themselves in thought.

2. While children engage with the above art installation at every week – in every month we will chose a child eco-warrior as artist of the month and that work will be displayed in the PFC website where the art of the artist of month will be converted to wall paper or organic printing and embroidered on high-end luxury fashion clothing.

3. These art installations will be converted to wall installations in the society by installation arists.

All these activities will rotate around our theme: life on earth during climate genocide.

Socially responsible sustainable shows:

We have planned to conduct 3 socially responsible sustainable shows to engage the community in different ways.

The fashion show is designed to encourage the community to connect and relate with each other in midst of climate genocide. The idea is to engage the community in a conversation around what we have done through our ways of consumption ad production that now there is hardly a difference between indoor air and outdoor. Fashion walk will showcase street style luxury fashion where 30 people from community and 10 professionals with dogs will be walking were on both sides of the walkway will be converted with fashion waste and the models will be wearing mask. The idea is to engage community in talking and being conscious on how much waste is generated in textile industry and how our small choices can impact our Earth.

Delhi Police will also be engaged in it to spread message about road safety with their yellow helmets as essential accessory and with face masks which will represent and raise concerns mask being alternate fashion accessory and these will be led by Odishi, Bharatnatyam, Kathakali dancers who will start the walk. Our community of gardeners, helpers, scrap men, maids, drivers from the community will end the fashion walk with riding bikes.

The idea is how communities can make a difference if they engage with each other and while communities like these being influencers in ways of consumption and production can actually influence lifestyle and we can dream about making sustainable fashion lifestyle and make “one sweatshirt & jeans with invoguevari’s 6 meter ikat fabric” the statement of everlasting sustainable styling!

We will also have stand up comedy on climate strike to encourage people to communicate and engage about it.

Engaging interactive talks:

We also have our generation Eco-Warriors who are creating new waves of change and will inspire the audience by sharing how they are creating this change. Various talks are organised where Change makers will share how their innovations are bringing about change in their respective fields either it is eradication of poverty, use of AI in restaurants to deliver food, use of tech in education, up-cycling waste to make lifestyle furniture, influencing high end fashion by designing clothes with organic fabrics. The talks will range and introduce influencers, motivational speakers and inspirational personalities on steps they have taken to bring about change. It will also bring focusing on women entrepreneurship, art investment, art installations and their role in changing mindsets, energy investment and role of AI in art. People will be brought in personally and through technology live to speak about the ripple effect they wish to see.

Eateries & organic food:

No event is complete without food. We have premium & luxury hotels fine dinning which will be next to water less pool art installation representing life on earth without water, water pollution, ground water and accompanied by exclusive DJ. The idea is to engage the high-end community to speak about these issues which we are facing but still avoiding in our daily lives chit-chat.

Part of the dinning promises food to be organic and fresh right from Odisha cuisine to North Indian to South Indian to Mexican to Chinese and Italian food.

The residents of the society get to subscribe to sustainable living which gives them exposure to space, fashion, food, investment, health – the idea is to bring on board people to say no to food wastage and this will be pushed using surprise activity tool.

Community Booths:

  1. Concept Photo booth : Concept photo shoot for publication with theme based addressing climate strike and personalised shoot
  2. Concept documentary booth: Theme based addressing climate strike short clips for Netflix, Youtube, UN
  3. Recycled, up cycled clothes, organic clothing, education fashion clothing & accessories
  4. Shoes painting booth: Concept is theme based addressing climate strike personalised painting
  5. Tatoo artist booth: Theme based addressing climate strike personalised art work
  6. Mehendi art booth: Theme based addressing climate strike personalised art
  7. Law of attraction Booth – Gender equality & LGBTQ : Human rights , LGBTQ rights, Equality, men & women empowerment, Mental health awareness
  8. Dogs counter: Stray dogs care centre founder Talks and Fashion walk with helmet, climate strike mask (alternate face fashion accessories) with pet dogs & stray dogs
  9. Bio Ayurveda cosmetics
  10. Dyson air purifier Sponsorship with IAQ TEST CENTRE
  11. Registration counter, Break up stall – Subscription based (sustainable living: space, fashion, food, investment, health) no food waste, food swapping and clothing app in the community and neighbouring communities

Eco partnerships:

We wont be able to make this event a success till we have like minded partners on board with us who feel if not done now, it will never be.

We are robing in conscious factories, multi national companies, automobiles, FMCGs, foundations, radio channels and signing up with photographers and videographers to document the event exclusively.

The idea is to do partnerships with companies who think now is the time to change who would like to showcase their innovations and how they are changing the way they worked and responding to climate genocide.

Event Details

Life On Earth:
Finding Eco-Warriors globally

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