
Connect with us to write your own story or share my story

Share My story, Write your own story,

Submissions are open for all but our priority is more to the cancelled/disrupted/delayed works (individual/factory/organisation/group works) that happened due to the need for self-quarantine or  social distancing . Also suggestions and views (with respect to your personal life and professional expertise with some facts and figures if you have got any) to stimulate economic growth as we are heading to wards great depression. (IMF) International Monetary Fund Head Predicts Coronavirus Will Trigger ‘Worst Economic Fallout Since the Great Depression of 1930’. Share your personal perceptions towards Environmental, Economic, healthcare, travel, food, infra structure industry revival so that “Near-threatened species of birds can return to our noise less neighbourhood, we can have clean sky, river, road, clean water to drink, clean air to breath.

Connect with us to write your own story or share my story

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‘Tip of the iceberg’: is our destruction of nature responsible for deadly Covid-19 pandemic?

Call for a sustainable harmony living for all the species on earth, not just human species! Join us & submit your views & suggestions in text form or art form or act form for Government and policy makers to consider and incorporate in various policies in the time of global social emergency.

Though we are working with several art forms to present them in the best way possible, our aim is to look towards the positive aspect of this current situation. Yes, it’s the self-quarantine time but let’s make it a memorable one. Let’s come up at one platform with our talents that can be anything related to Food, home decor, tidying up, teaching, singing, dancing, painting, education, science, technology, healthcare, fitness, makeup, styling, lifestyle etc.

This is the time when we might or are still facing personal and professional hurdles due to the pandemic. On the other hand, we are spending time alone or with our families. Pencil for change is here to preserve memories of the families with different talents in each member.

Showcase the talent of each family member and get a family story book ready from us.

As we grow, our perception changes and therefore our way of expression changes too. Not just this we also have an idea to showcase your talent according to your age.

This art fair is each about your collective talents as a family or as per individual’s profession or hobby.

Connect with us to write your own story or share my story

Different Age groups!




Health Care


Agriculture & Food


Industries & Start-ups


Wedding & Get Together

CamScanner 04-11-2020 16.40.33

Performing Art


Art & Architecture




Upto 10 yrs


11-15 yrs

16-25 yrs

16-25 yrs


26-35 yrs

36-50 Yrs

36-50 yrs

51-60 yrs

51-60 yrs

Above 60 Years

Above 60 Years

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Now you might think that what kind of talent do we promote on our platform. It may vary to any kind of talent or skill including the following:

Hand work/hand embroidery/hand painting

  • Upload the images of your any kind of hand work
  • Upload the video of the hand embroidery or hand painting while working on it
  • Any sort of online creation of the event that never occurred.


  • Upload the video of your cooking, baking, food presenting talent.
  • Upload the recipe, ingredients and preparation steps of the menus created by you and has not been heard before.
  • Upload the images of the dishes.

Science experiments/Technology/Artificial intelligence/Bio Technology

  • Upload the video of your experiments.
  • Upload the research, making steps created by you and has not been heard before.
  • Upload the images of the steps.


  • Upload the video of your farming, home gardening, vertical wall and roof top gardening, fruits & vegetable growing. 
  • Upload the making steps created by you and has not been heard before.
  • Upload the images of the steps

Pets & animal welfare

  • Pets have an important function in the home office.
  • We can prove love for animals even in difficult times.
  • Upload the videos and images of caring.

Factories/organisational works/work form home/home office

  • Upload the video of your restructuring works. 
  • Upload the research, making steps created by you and has not been heard before.
  • Upload the images of the steps.
  • Upload the video/images of quick adoption in restructuring your organisations to help daily wagers or workers or employees or adopting to fight against coved-19 or future pandemics

Health care/Fitness/gymming/ yoga/sports/indoor games

  • Upload the video of your workouts/yoga/indoor games (digital or physical)
  • Upload the making steps created by you.
  • Upload the images of the steps
  • Upload the images of healthy lifestyle or tips to stay fit or tips to act at the time of health emergency at home. 


  • Upload the images of your ideas of decorating home or any indoor space.
  • Upload the videos of tidying up home, room or any space and decorating it with your ideas. 

Classical music

  • Rehearsal recordings or you playing the music you were going to do at the recital/concert. -Sheet music that you composed for your event.
  • Some sort of online recreation of the event that never occurred.

Theatre/Musical Theatre

  • Upload the video if you are an expertise in the above mentioned talent
  • Design sketches of costume or set or lighting plots. Pictures of design elements or props.
  • Pages of script submitted by the writer. You could be your own writer too.
  • It could be a song or monologue or anything else. Be innovative with technology! Do a scene over Skype or a duet over voice memos!
  • You can also upload the videos of your past work.


  • Upload the video of your live-streamed concert that has already happened or was suppose to happen. -Upload the videos of the band, if you perform in band.
  • Upload the video of rehearsals of your solo songs or duet or bands.

Artists not listed above

  • Your work is probably very good!
  • Feel free to submit what you think would work and we’ll talk!

Battle against the coronavirus pandemic and any future pandemics in the world!

If You want to work and choose a topic, then please consider five elements of nature mentioned below.











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How we can take part in this initiative?

Please download the following form, fill it up and send it to

to register for participation. 

Connect with us to write your own story or share my story