Into the nature-positive economy
1 Young Tree = Absorbs 48 pounds of CO2 each year.
Steps to become “Pencilforchange’s Eco Warrior”
The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons. How much is yours?

Caring our earth, its environment & living objects by carbon offsetting!
The green way to post-crisis recovery: our
Effort to achieve climate goals, that will help our health & economies spring back from the current serious crisis.

A carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gases—primarily carbon dioxide—released into the atmosphere by a particular human activity. A carbon footprint can be a broad meaasure or be applied to the actions of an individual, a family, an event, an organization, or even an entire nation. It is usually measured as tons of CO2 emitted per year, a number that can be supplemented by tons of CO2-equivalent gases, including methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases. Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Estimates of carbon stocks and stock changes in fruit orchards are necessary under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol.
Based on many researches, among cultivated fruit trees like mango, apple, citrus, guava, sapota, ber, fig, mango sequesters maximum carbon.
The study concluded that conservation horticulture must be promoted rather than the conventional intensive cultivation which is economically sustainable and enhances carbon sequestration and improves soil health. “We must partially diversify agriculture through promotion of perennial horticulture,” Ganeshamurthy.
Scientists are studying global production and proving that mangoes have a solid scientific foundation for being good against climate change
Offsetting carbon emissions.
Offset your carbon emissions and fight climate change and deforestation. Support local communities and protect biodiversity.
We plant trees & fund the world’s best climate crisis solutions:
Become climate positive in multiple ways, specially curated by our diversified experts.
As mango trees grow, a process of carbon sequestration or carbon uptake occurs. The tree absorbs carbondioxide from the environment and with it forms the trunk, branches leaves and fruit.

Climate change is a major global concern due to the massive emissions of greenhouse gases into the environment. Mango trees are beginning to get more accolades with scientists because of the mitigating power they have in carbon sequestration.

A mature tree absorbs carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 pounds per year. In one year, an acre of forest can absorbtwice the CO2 produced by the average car’s annual mileage.
Carbon offsetting: For an example, an individual might purchase carbon offsets to compensate for the greenhouse gas emissions caused by personal air travel. Carbon offset vendors offer direct purchase of carbon offsets, often also offering other services such as designating a carbon offset project to support or measuring a purchaser’s carbon footprint. In 2016, about $191.3 million of carbon offsets were purchased in the voluntary market, representing about 63.4 million metric tons of CO2e reductions.


For the 1st time ever: Calculate, Learn, Use & grow!
Calculate: Carbon footprint
Learn: sustainability
Use: sustainable products
Grow: A tree & a shelter home for birds or animals
Just select your favourite sustainable products. (Be it a customised storytelling life book, or birthday book, or sustainable design solution for your house, home office or sustainable lifestyle products or any subscription). Once you finish all the 8 steps (from roots to foliage), trees will be planted for you on your name. (Mango, coconut or any other trees depending on specific climatic location), No excuses. Each tree once grown up, fruits will be yours. And one shelter home will be made either for birds or animals from a wide range.
You don’t have a sapling at hand or a big garden in your backyard Or want to avoid getting dirt under your fingernails? The Pencil for change is your way to help nature recover by selecting from 100s of hand-crafted low carbon products. The benefits of tree planting and making shelter home for birds or animals are not just for nature, they are also a vital source of income for poor communities on earth.
How can you contribute to a nature positive economy?
Step 8 –
Step 7 –
Step 6 –
Step 5 –
Step 4 –
Step 3 –
Step 2 –
Step 1 –
Developing green cities can protect nature while making people happier, it could create 117 million jobs and 3 trillion dollars additional annual revenues or savings by 2030 (WEF) world economic forum.
Plant Your Own Tree & shelter home for a bird or an animal
This own personalised page of yours, will allow you to:
- calculate your carbon footprint
- Encourage others about sustainability by Pencil for Change’s “CLUG” method !
- Learn, educate & inspire others about sustainable learning
- Use sustainable products
• See where your tree is planted and shelter home for birds or animals are made with photos, locations and more
• Start a tree chat with friends who are living a sustainable life
• Join the new “PFC TREE Forbes List”
“Wide-spread restoration requires us to reach out to large numbers of people, cost-effectively and quickly. Hence the personalised page!
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Free Trial
The perfect sized plan for an average citizen

12 trees planted
every month

1 footprint*
removed every year
The plan for those people who drive or fly more than average.

24 trees planted
every month

2 footprint*
removed every year
For frequent flyers or people who want to contribute more.

36 trees planted
every month

3 footprint*
removed every year
For frequent flyers or people who want to contribute more.

48 trees planted
every month

4 footprint*
removed every year
For frequent flyers or people who want to contribute more.

60 trees planted
every month

5 footprint*
removed every year