1 experiment per month

Completely safe and designed for home use

Spend educational time together with your kids
When We sell one educational toy, one underprivileged kid will get one slate and chalk!
Sustainable Living Experiment for Kids, and Family
We all want the best for our kids, don’t we? We go to great lengths to get them the best kind of training, both online and offline. But we all will agree that the best kind of learning comes from practical experiences and application-based learning. However, in a world so hugely dominated by digital media and e-commerce, it is difficult to teach them the beauty and fun of making things by oneself instead of just ordering everything readymade and online. You give them five apples and take away two and they will learn sooner that 5-2=3. So our team has tried to make learning for kids, fun with the help of our DIY (Do It Yourself) educational toys. With a little help from the adults of the family, kids can start a new carbon-neutral journey towards learning and development. Our set of educational toys can be enjoyed by children above 10 years.
Towards Carbon Neutral Future
Environment Friendly and Green Solutions
We make sure that all our products and solutions are carbon neutral and biodegradable. Starting from our packaging to the components of the toys, are all environment-friendly and leave as little carbon footprint as possible. This is one of the many ways we can adopt to take a step towards a greener environment. For instance, our toy house is primarily made of cardboard boxes and all the other components are also made of biodegradable materials. We also take care of reducing packaging wastes. Here are all that we offer:
1. Home Décor and Accessories (non-Living)
2. Zero waste Educational toys
3. Cat and Dog Houses (non-Living)