Quarantining time “art of harmony living” piece by Dr Pinaki Nandan Pattnaik.

This informative piece of write up about education & knowledge is submitted by Dr Pinaki Nandan Pattnaik, Head, Department of management studies, Nalsar law university India, University of Saskatchewan, Canada . It is a deeply moving piece of (art of harmony living at the time of quarantining) work that we feel fortunate to put it in our featured wall. Thank you, Pinaki , for your valuable contribution. We think it will surely comfort many students, education professionals at the time of deadly covid 19 pandemic and back our mental health campaign particularly for students.
Who would have ever thought?
Mankind is facing a pandemic. A microbe so small, that it can’t be dealt with. It has brought the world to its heels. Though we have banked upon existing knowledge to stand and stare in the face of adversity, it not quite that now. We do not know much about this novel virus as of now. This raises an important question: what is it that hurts more? Loss of life or loss of time to learn !
India has close to 950 universities with lacs of students and forms the nucleus of our knowledge creation to counter such threats. It is here that we aim to push the boundaries of knowledge beyond the horizon. It is here that our society takes leaps of boundless emancipation. It is here that our social fabric takes shape. Thousands of students, today, are at risk but the drive to challenge the unknown continues at our hubs of knowledge.
The gravity of the situation is so serious that including India, many European countries have ordered complete lockdowns and run the risk of students losing a complete year. India has responded differently. We have embedded technology into the scheme of things. With orders from the highest authority, the University Grants Commission (UGC), all schools, colleges and universities have emerged as torch bearers in creating seamless education a reality. No student left behind is the norm. Through any means possible, teachers and faculty have created an environment of engagement with students where they can continue learning being safe at home during the lockdown.
It is time that we take responsibility of ourselves as well as our own. The weapon of choice is knowledge. In times like this, it is seen that more than the virus, it is us who become our biggest threat. Haves have the power of money and go on to a mode of unsustainable buying. Ethical practices take a back seat. Social justice is put on a back burner. The worst sufferers are those who need maximum care. The world needs conscious consumption practices rather than mindless consumption. It is during these difficult times, that the last in the line is often left standing waiting for their turn.
Education brings in social conditioning and it is this that can save us from the obvious. Yes the situation is dire but our response has been swift and decisive as well. I believe, at a personal level, that our hubs of knowledge are responding to calls for equity and justice. This is a test of our resilience to face unfathomable risks and with knowledge we can sustain this gift called “Mother Earth”.
Let’s take an oath of togetherness today. Let’s ensure that all of us have something to hang on. Let’s be the change that we want to see. Let’s do something wonderful. Let’s be remembered for the good and let’s be the light that spreads warmth to all.
With the power of knowledge….we can