Quarantining time “art of experimentation ” piece by Itishree Das.
This beautiful piece of encouraging “Experimenting life ” is submitted by Itishree Das, A pisciculture researcher, Bangkok, Thailand.
This fascinating (Active experimentation: aquaponics system and Tilapia breeding ) during Covid19, the worst global pandemic is submitted by Itishree . It is a deeply moving piece of (art of experimenting life at the time of quarantining) work that we feel fortunate to put it in our featured wall. Thank you, Itishree for your valuable contribution. We think it will surely comfort millions particularly millennials at the time of deadly covid 19 pandemic and back our mental health awareness campaign!
Itishree says:
Here i have planted okra , beans , coriander , aleovera plants. .. during plantation i found out that the seed germinate faster in which i used the pond water where there are tilapia fishes than the normal tap water.

It is a baby okra plant with soil which I replanted in another larger media bed.
Did social distancing measures and lock down measures have got some impacts?
Yes, it has affectrd my research work for which I have came here. But at the same time I got time to improve my skill of art and hobby of plantation. Before lockdown we used eat in cafeteria and eat with friends but now we are eating in our room because we have to maintain social distance. Previously before lockdown we ware having normal classes but now we are having online classes through zoom .

Noise pollution in your neighbourhood before the lockdown and now, Did “Near-threatened species of birds return to your neighbourhood?
Here in my campus there is no noise pollution neither befor lockdown nor after lockdown. Here I can listen different bird sound all the time. AIT campus is ecofriendly as every one uses bicycles and moreover the donot use horns while riding unless it is highly demanded.