Quarantining time “art of healthy living” piece by Dr Puspa Manjari Mohanty.
This informative piece of write up about health is submitted by Dr Puspa Manjari Mohanty, M.B.B.S MD, Retd. Chief District medical Officer, Health & family Welfare Deptt., Govt. Of odisha
It is a deeply moving piece of (art of healthy living at the time of quarantining) work, that we feel fortunate to put it in our featured wall. Thank you, Dr Mohanty, for your valuable contribution. We think it will surely comfort millions at the time of deadly covid 19 pandemic and back our mental health campaign particularly for millennials.

COVID-19 is a virus spread by droplet infection i.e by contact not by air.When any body is suffering from COVID – 19 he/she sneeze,coughs or spits or water running from nose is spread over other surface and a healthy person comes in contact with that will get infection.This virus when enter inside the human body will multiply within 2-3 days.Specifically it affects the throat and lungs tissue and causes pnumonia.The symptoms of this viral infection are fever,cough,body ache,difficulty in breathing,vomiting and diarrhoea.Initially symptoms are synonymous with common cold.This virus spreads very fast.There is no confirmatory treatment or vaccination till date.This can only be controlled by prevention.During my 47 years of medical services I have not come across such type of epidemic.Though I have seen so many types of epidemic like cholera,Dengue,Viral conjunctivitis ,meningitis, viral hepatitis which could be controlled by health staff and over all by Health Department.

We have to control the spread-
- By keeping social distancing
- Personal precaution –
- Use of maskNot touching nose,mouth and eyesUse of hand sanitizer frequentlyWashing of hand by hand wash or soapMaintain at least one meter distance from person with symptomsObey Govt. Advisory of lock down for three weeksStay at homeTake specific steps of quarantine and isolation
- Use handkerchief or tissue paper or elbow while sneezing/coughing and dispose the same in a closed dust bin
- Aged people,persons suffering from heart disease,hypertension,diabetes,pulmonary diseases,renal diseases,liver diseases cancer are more vulnerable .
- Taking hot water,hot tea,hot milk and vapour inhalation may be helpful
There was a religious tradition since long like Lord Jagannath in BADI NRUSINGA PARIKRAMA has been celebrated during epidemics at Jagannatth Dham Puri, Odisha to overcome such calamities.
We should not panic or afraid of these disease and maintain social distancing and personal hygiene.