Rent & Swap Your Look

Fashion is not a style statement any more but conscious fashion is. It is found that fashion generates 4% of the world’s waste each year. This builds up to 92 million tons which is more toxic than e-waste. Not only this, 84% of unwanted cloths in US went into landfills. Since we believe in sustainable fashion, we are stepping into reducing landfills and carbon footprint. We are coming up to refresh your closet with possible sustainability where you can wear anything anytime. You can either rent out your look or can get other’s look on rent. So now we won’t be limited to what we buy nor to the size of our closet. We will also save space, time, money and peace of mind. For this change of your closet, we are bringing all the sustainable fashion here on one platform. We are bringing the future of fashion to you where you will have access to the closet and ownership will not be required. Without being an owner of the closet, you can simply select and get it delivered at your doorstep so that you can wear whatever and whenever you want. You can rent any of your favourite sustainable outfit for as many days as you want to and can return whenever you want. We are already here with the high end sustainable fashion but still we want to bring this revolution. You don’t have to worry about your flight luggage limit any more. You can just sit and fly off and your favourite look or closet will be delivered at your destination. Even in winters when you feel it difficult to travel with so many winter wear which makes your luggage heavy and occupies a lot of space, we are here to help you. Just reach the destination and we will deliver your chosen winter wear to you. Unless you are brave enough to try out sustainable living, you will never be able to do a bit to save the planet earth. And when you rent a look, you save enough of carbon dioxide to drive your car round the year. So your dream closet will also help you to contribute to the environment by reducing the cloth waste and opting for rented cloths that you don’t have to fill your closet with. So be it seasons like spring, summer, autumn or winter, upgrade yourself with seasonal dynamic rented sustainable clothing. All what you need to do is “Swap your wardrobe” which means to have the access on the outfits to wear what you want and when you want. The best sustainable style comes from knowing what you are wearing and knowing whom you are going to swap with. “Fashion is an instant language.” – Miuccia Prada Want to pull it off? Then just put it on! Swap your closet with us! And tell your stories here with our Rent & Swap your look with our exclusive sustainable lifestyle everyday – A “Revolutionary Act”