Elton Pereira, USA

Making the most of this lockdown piece by  Elton Pereira

This beautiful piece of encouraging “making the most ” is submitted by Elton Pereira, New Jersey, USA

When a kid’s innocent toy stuck on your bathroom wall gives you a start, you know you are living in unprecedented times. Literally at the drop of a hat we have all had to change our way of life beyond recognition. It’s been 6 weeks now since any one from my home has left our condo, and the end is not in sight. Balancing work and managing kids is no joke; but this lockdown has given rise to experiences that would have not happened otherwise. I thought of sharing some such moments.

The New Normal

The Stash

Circle Time at School

Getting to Work

A productive weekend day

A productive weekend night

A visit to the zoo

Bike ride on a warm sunny day

Simple Pleasures – Grocery is Here!

The Ritual

Look Familiar?

On purpose I drew the one logo that my 4 year old has not seen for nearly 2 months now – one that he saw and said out loud on a daily basis before the lockdown while driving to school – and he couldn’t name it! He tried, but just couldn’t remember.

The new Thank You!

Daily 7PM Cheers to thank our health care and essential business heros.


New subject for Artwork

Learning new skills

A new purpose of a hobby

Road Trip

When I asked my 4yr old what was one of the things he missed during this lockdown, he said going out in the car. So we made a board game of all the things he remembered about going in the car.

Pretty much the same rules as Snakes (Chutes) and Ladders.

  1. If you land on a green signal, you move forward one place.
  2. If you land on a red signal, you move back one place.
  3. If you land on Gas Station at square 2, you get to roll one more time.
  4. If you land on Gas Station at square 26, you move forward by the same number that you just got.
  5. A tire puncture at square 11 or 55, or railroad crossing at 48, or accident at 36 and 37 moves you backwards. Follow the arrows.
  6. Squares 17 and 44 give you a rocket boost up one row. My kid calls it Zoomafy!
  7. Square 24 is the entry to the highway. It takes you straight to square 41.
  8. If you land on square 19 or 20, you miss a turn. If you were on 19 and after missing a turn you roll a 1, then you miss another turn.
  9. Square 45 is a damaged road. You miss 2 turns.

Fun and games

These are uncharted waters. Be smart, stay home, stay safe, and cherish every small moment of life.

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