Quarantining time “art of multitasking act” by Dibya Omm Mohanty
This beautiful piece of encouraging positive multitasking act is submitted by Dibya , Management in business administration.

It is a deeply positive moving piece of (art of multitasking at the time of quarantining) work, that we feel fortunate to put it in our featured wall. Thank you Dibya , for your valuable contribution. We think it will surely comfort millions at the time of deadly covid 19 pandemic and back our mental health campaign particularly for millennials.
I’m a baby in this blogging world. You can find me on Instagram as foodncate / omm.dibya. I live in Odisha, India.
Foodncate is for those curious who want to explore this world full of delicacy flavours. Most importantly foodncate is for those curious about the whys and hows of cooking success. Dishes from around the globe are taken apart and their creation is explained in detail, along with helpful pictures & videos. My goal is to empower food lovers to make these dishes at home. So what if you can’t hop on a plane to enjoy gelato in Rome !! You can either feel the vibe through my lens or churn some in your own kitchen instead. No dish is too intimidating if you have the right recipe & the highest level of interest.
I first started foodncate early in the year of 2020, fresh out of master degree (MBA). I wanted to practise my design & marketing skills and wanted to have my own page which fuels me to started with my passion for food & travel through being an authentic travel & food blogger.

Blogging about food has become a very popular hobby in the world from last decade. Food blogs cover recipes, restaurant review and every other aspect of the foodie world, and are often accompanied by gorgeous food photography with detail contents. It is very easy to get into the food blogging world, as all you need is access to a blogging platform (Instagram) and most importantly a love for great food.
Hope you will like my page & enjoy your quarantined days with us. Stay tune.
Be at home. Save lives. Be the real super hero.